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The Centre of Folk Architecture in Szymbark

The Centre of Folk Architecture in Szymbark

Here you can see the upside-down house, old Kashubian huts and the longest plank of the world (entered in the Guinness Book of Records).

Szymbark is a village located in Kashubia, the Pomeranian province. This town is situated in one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in the Kashubian Switzerland. Szymbark is located in the heart of the Kashubian Landscape Park and offers many tourist attractions.

The upside-down house is one of the most unique tourist attractions. In the museum, there are also old Kashubian huts, the longest plank of the world (entered in the Guinness Book of Records) and the Siberian house transported from Siberia. A bunker from World War II is also a very interesting tourist attraction.

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